A series of objects, mostly from an old chair. Part of Reliving 3 with Gioj DeMarco and Julie Schustack.
All the staples and part of the spring steel that made up a chair.
10#339, 60" x 60"
One version of "Take Away", made up of plaster casts of the negative space from the disposable containers much of my food came in, without repeats (8 feet in diameter, maybe 6" high).
Detail of "Take Away"
94 works made between 2000 and 2015
hung together as one element in a much larger installation of work in my temporary downtown L.A. studio. 14 feet by 40 feet. 2015-2016
11#87, 18" x 18.5"
10#308, 82" x 82" x 4"
2004, approx 40" x 30" x 30"
05#06, 28" x 25"
10#443, 60" x 40"
Detail of 10#443, 60" x 40"
Detail of 10#309
06#117, 5" x 4"
12#43, 38" x 60"
12#17, size of a large shirt.
12#19, approx 24"h x 5"w x 7"d
Detail of 12#19, approx 24"h x 5"w x 7"d
12#14, 33" x 8" x 8.5", The jar on top holds all the change found in all the chairs and couches I've pulled apart since around 2002.